Let Freedom Ring ♪

19 09 2009

Amazing. The Gaither Vocal Band is simply amazing. Check out who’s in the audiance.

Such A *Classy* President.

15 09 2009

President Barack Obama called hip-hop musician Kanye West a “jackass” on Monday in an off-the-record comment during an interview with CNBC, an ABC News anchor reported on Twitter.

Obama was apparently weighing in on an interruption that occurred the night before during the MTV Video Music Awards where West grabbed the microphone from teen country singer Taylor Swift during her award acceptance speech to announce his belief that Beyonce had a better music video.

 MTV Video Music Awards Show

“Pres. Obama just called Kanye West a ‘jackass’ for his outburst at VMAs when Taylor Swift won. Now THAT’S presidential,” “Nightline” co-anchor Terry Moran wrote Monday evening to his more than 1 million followers.


The tweet forced the network to issue an apology after the Internet quickly became abuzz over the stunning remark published on the microblogging site.

An ABC spokesperson said, “In the process of reporting on remarks by President Obama that were made during a CNBC interview, ABC News employees prematurely tweeted a portion of those remarks that turned out to be from an off-the-record portion of the interview,” Politico reported. “This was done before our editorial process had been completed. That was wrong. We apologize to the White House and CNBC and are taking steps to ensure that it will not happen again.”

Moran’s tweet has since been deleted, but can still be accessed.

West, who is no stranger to controversy, apologized for the incident after Sunday night’s MTV broadcast and again Monday night during an interview on the premiere of NBC’s “Jay Leno Show.”

West told Leno he’s going to take some time off to reflect and that “it was rude, period.”

“I need to, after this, take some time off and just analyze how I’m going to make it through the rest of this life, how I’m going to improve. If there’s anything I could do to help Taylor in the future or help anyone, I’d like to,” he said.

The White House had no immediate comment on the matter, Politico reported.

I am not condoning what Kanye did at all. I think it was rude and extremely immature of him. However, for the President of the United States of America to sit there and say such a thing is not exactly professional either. And *off the record*…? Reputation is who people believe you to be. Character is who you are when no one is watching. Although… it seems to be a re-occurring trend in Washington… *cough* Clinton. Such a *classy* president we have. How our hearts must swell with pride…! O_o

<original article taken from Here.>

John McCain “Boo!”-ed for Saying Obama Respects the Constitution

14 09 2009

Does Barack Obama, the duly elected president of the United States, respect the Constitution? For many of Obama’s critics, the answer is a resounding “No!” What evidence do the holders of this opinion put forth to defend it? Some argue the president has not provided a valid birth certificate. Others believe that he is overstepping the framers’ intent by attempting to set up a government-funded health care plan. For many more, it’s just a nagging suspicion born of cable television punditry and common sense.

Witness footage from earlier Tuesday when Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Obama’s former presidential rival, addressed a town hall meeting in Sun City, Ariz. Asked by a woman whether Obama was even aware that “we still live under a Constitution,” McCain rose to the president’s defense. That didn’t go over too well with the crowd.

For what it’s worth, the U.S. Constitution can be easily accessed online, if anyone is wondering whether the stimulus package or the proposed health care legislation violate that sacred document.

McCain needs to grow a backbone. Obviously, the people of America do not agree with him on his taking Obama’s side. For someone who was lied about by his oponent on his stands all throughout the presidential campaign and the election, he sure is quite willing to be buddy-buddy with him now. Really? don’t be so naive. This is not a game in which you’ll eventually get your back scratched as long as you scratch his. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you will never be best friends with Mr. President, McCain.

<original article take from Here.>

How Democracy Should Work: A Lesson From Honduras

14 09 2009

A friend of mine posted this as a note on her FaceBook. I thought I’d share it with you. A little elaboration of my article “…the Right of the People…”


Honduras teaches President Obama about how a Democracy should work!

Is the future of the United States democratic system being played out in Central America today? I hope so.

You may or may not have heard what has happened in Honduras during the past couple of months. Here’s the story in a nut shell.

Honduran President Manual Zelaya has been at odds with the Honduran Congress and Courts for many months, seeking to increase his power and authority to levels similar to those wielded by Hugo Chavez in Venezuela . But according to the Honduran Constitution, its president can only serve a single four year term. With his Presidency coming to an end in January, Zelaya wasn’t happy with that situation, so he decided to try an end around play.

He decided to sponsor a constitutional referendum to allow him to continue to serve as president. The only problem is the Honduran Constitution doesn’t give him the right to do that. Any constitution referendum must be called by the Honduran Congress. Not bothered by that minor detail, Zelaya contacted his buddy, Hugo Chavez, and had ballots printed and ballot boxes prepared in Venezuela and flown to Honduras . The Honduran Supreme Court declared Zelaya’s actions unconstitutional, but again, he was not deterred.

A couple of weeks ago, when Zelaya directed the military to distribute the ballots and boxes, the top military commander refused, citing the orders of the Supreme Court. President Zelaya promptly fired him. The Supreme Court ordered him reinstated. Zelaya refused.

Still undeterred, last Thursday Zelaya led a group of his supporters to break into the military installation where the ballots from Venezuela were being stored and then had his people distribute them in defiance of the Supreme Court’s order. By the way, elections in Honduras are supposed to be managed and overseen by the Honduran Election Tribunal, which was not involved in any of Zelaya’s efforts.

Sunday morning, acting under orders of the Supreme Court, the Honduran military dragged Zelaya out of bed at 6 AM, arrested him, put him on a plane in his pajamas, flew him to Costa Rica , and released him. They literally threw him out of the country.

The Honduran Congress immediately met in emergency session and designated its president as the interim executive as stipulated in Honduran law. It also said that presidential elections set for November will go forward.

Honduras has one of the strongest democracies in the world. When Presidential elections are held, typically 80-90% of the eligible population votes (compared to only 50% in the U.S. ). This situation clearly shows how democratic checks and balances are supposed to work.

When the President tried to overstep his bounds, the legislative and judicial branches stepped in and did not allow it. You might make a case that Zelaya should have been arrested and held in Honduras , but I understand he was exiled in order to minimize the probability of violence. Obviously, he will have an even better opportunity to state his case while not in confinement. In fact, he has already been invited to address the U.N. General Assembly.

So where does the U.S. government stand on this situation? Well, Obama stands shoulder to shoulder with Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro and Daniel Ortega in calling for Zelaya to be re-instated as President! PresidentObama said the U.S. government believed the takeover was “not legal” and that Zelaya remained the country’s leader! U.S. press secretary Robert Gibbs said “We’re seeking to restore that democratic norm in Honduras , and haven’t changed the recognition of who we believe is the president of that country”!

So much for the United States being the world’s biggest supporter of democracy! Even worse than the situation in Iran , where Obama remained silent while protesters were slaughtered in the streets by an oppressive government, in Honduras Obama has gone on record as calling for the re-instatement of a leader who has been ousted by his country’s legislative and judicial processes!

One might ask WHY?

Well, consider this;

No where in the U.S. Constitution does it give the government the power to fire private company employees. But how many bank and automotive executives have been forced out by Obama’s administration since January 20th?

No where in the U.S. Constitution does it give the government the power to own private companies. So how did the government end up owning 70% of General Motors Corporation?

No where in the U.S. Constitution does it give the government the power to set salaries in the private sector, as Obama’s administration is currently doing in banks that have taken TARP money.

No where in the U.S. Constitution does it give the executive branch the power to appoint Czars to make rules governing private industry, that role is reserved for the legislative branch of our government.

No where in the U.S. Constitution does it give the President the power to set aside contracts. So how did GM bond holders end up getting the shaft while the unions profited?

In fact, all of these things are prohibited by the U.S. Constitution.

Like Zelaya, Chavez, Castro, and Ortega, President Obama does not believe a country’s Constitution should limit his power.

Unfortunately, our Congress and our Courts have yet to show the courage and determination that the Honduran Legislators and Supreme Court have shown.

Isn’t it amazing that we have to look to a small country in Central America to see how democracy is supposed to work, while our President sides with the likes of Zelaya, Chavez, Castro, and Ortega!

Wake Up America !

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.” – USA Declaration of Independence

Joe Wilson: “You Lie, Obama!”

11 09 2009

Though perhaps a tad bit innapropriate to be yelling out at such a time, I do give the man (Joe Wilson) credit for taking a stand, knowing full-well what could possibly be the consequences of such an action. And hey, he did apologize afterwards…
I happen to agree with Wilson’s opinion… but then again, most politicians DO lie. It’s part of their job description. It *shouldn’t* be, but it is.

Obama: [declares] America Is Not A Christian Nation

8 09 2009

President Barack Obama stated at a press conference in Turkey last week that we Americans “do not consider ourselves a Christian nation, or a Muslim nation, but rather, a nation of citizens who are, uh, bound by a set of values.”

Obama has made similar statements in the past. In June 2007, he told CBS, “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation — at least, not just.  We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers.” Note the progression. In 2007, he said we are no longer “just” a Christian nation. Now, in 2009, he says we “do not consider ourselves a Christian nation” at all.

There is a sense in which this writer agrees with him. Unlike England at the time of our nation’s founding, we do not have an official state church. And I don’t want one — I don’t want Barack Obama to be the head of the church.

But that’s not what the U.S. Supreme Court meant when, in Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States, 143 U.S. 437 (1892), they held that “this is a Christian nation.” They meant that this nation was founded on biblical principles, and that those who brought these biblical principles to this land and who implemented those principles in our system of government were for the most part professing Christians who were actively involved with Christian churches. In my own book Christianity and the Constitution: The Faith of Our Founding Fathers (Baker Book House, 1987, 2008), I demonstrate that at least 51 of the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention were members of Christian churches, and that leading American political figures in the founding era quoted the Bible far more than any other source.

And the ideals on which they framed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution — that man is subject to the laws of nature and of nature’s God, that God created man equal and endowed him with basic unalienable rights, that human nature is sinful and therefore government power must be carefully restrained by the Constitution — are ideals that they derived, directly or indirectly, from the Bible. Some of these ideals may be shared by those of other religious traditions. But the Founding Fathers, with few exceptions, did not read the Koran, or the Upanishads, or the Bagavigita. They read the Bible, and they heard the Bible preached on Sunday mornings.

Besides denying that America is a Christian nation in his April 6 news conference in Turkey, President Obama told the Turkish Parliament on the same day: “We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.” Arguably, this is a true statement — if by his “own country” Obama was referring to Kenya! 

But seriously, the suggestion that Islam has shaped America in any substantial way is ludicrious. As Robert Spencer asks,

Were there Muslims along Paul Revere’s ride, or standing next to Patrick Henry when he proclaimed, “Give me liberty or give me death”? Where there Muslims among the framers or signers of the Declaration of Independence, which states that all men — not just Muslims, as Islamic law would have it — are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Were there Muslims among those who drafted the Constitution and vigorously debated its provisions, or among those who enumerated the Bill of Rights, which guarantees — again in contradiction to the tenets of Islamic law — that there should be no established national religion, and that the freedom of speech should not be infringed?

The primary contact our Founding Fathers had with Islam occurred during their struggles with the Barbary pirates, who from 1500-1800 carried over a million European Christians — including some Americans — into Muslim slavery. For centuries the Knights of Malta protected Europe from the Barbary pirates, but after their demise the European powers decided that paying tribute to the Barbary rulers in exchange for protection was easier and cheaper than fighting them. But this galled the Americans. In 1786, while Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were in Europe, they asked the ambassador from Tripoli by what right Tripoli could claim tribute from nations which had done his country no injury. Jefferson and Adams reported the ambassador’s response:

It was written in their Koran that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet [Mohammed] were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful [Muslims] to plunder and enslave; and that every muslim who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise.

Much of the Muslim world has a negative view of the United States. Sadly, President Obama seems to think the Muslim world will warm up to our country if our president shares their negative view. But the lessons of history clearly demonstrate that the world’s leading super-power is never popular. But to what country do the tired and poor of the world seek to immigrate — Afghanistan? What nation’s constitution do other nations look to as a model — China’s? And when other nations are stricken with disaster, to what nation do they turn for help — Sudan?

No, they temporarily set aside their “Yankee Go Home” placards and turn to America, the most generous nation in the history of the world, for help that is seldom denied. And America’s generosity is a response learned from our Christian heritage.

<original article take from here.>

Biden – He Does [not] Have Smarts…

4 09 2009

“Chuck? Stand up, Chuck… let us see you. OH! God love ya. what am I talking about!? I tell you what, You’re making everyone else stand up though, pal! Thank you very, very much. I tell you what, stand up for Chuck! Thank you, pal… you can tell I’m new! Good to see you, buddy. Thank you, Thank you…”

Seriously! Is this guy for real?! WHAT an idiot.

Obama’s *Change* Starts with *Change* in Presidential Seal

4 09 2009

Sen. Barack Obama has promised “change,” and his campaign has already been hard at work changing one of the basic symbols of the nation — the Presidential Seal.

On Friday, the press was abuzz over the new seal, which was unveiled on Obama’s podium when he spoke to a group of Democratic governors.

While the Obama seal does include the American bald eagle clutching arrows and an olive branch, the resemblance ends there.

The Latin phrase “E Pluribus Unum,” which translates to “Out of many, one,” now says “Vero Possumus.” Press reports translate the Latin words as “Truly, we are able” — a rough translation of the Obama campaign slogan, “Yes we can.”

The deletion of “E Pluribus Unum,” long considered the de-facto motto of the United States, is not accidental for multiculturalists, who have long denigrated the concept that immigrants must strip away their old culture in favor of the “oneness” of American civilization.

This man is truly one of the most ridiculous men to walk this planet. HEY! Back off. This is MY blog, and I (as of right now anyways) have a right to freedom of speech, and YOU have the right to leave this blog if you don’t like what you’re reading. I have never before seen in all my life an ego of someone so under-qualified grow to such an enormous size. I understand that no one is perfect, but THIS…. THIS takes it to a WHOLE new level. Keep your change, I want my freedoms and democratic country back.

<To view original article (copied word-for-word, click here.>

President Obama…

4 09 2009

1. Offended the Queen of England.

2. Bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia.

3. Praised the Marxist Daniel Ortega.

4. Kissed Hugo Chavez on the cheek.

5. Endorsed the Socialist Evo Morales of Bolivia.

6. Announced we would meet with Iranians with no pre-conditions.

7. Gave away billions to AIG also without pre-conditions.

8. Expanded the bailouts.

9. Insulted everyone who has ever loved a Special Olympian.

10. Doubled our national debt.

11. Announced a termination of the space defense system the day after the North Koreans launched an ICBM.

12. Despite the urgings of his own CIA director and the prior 4 CIA directors, released information on intelligence gathering.

13. Accepted without public comment the fact that five of his cabinet members cheated on their taxes and two others withdrew after they couldn’t take the heat.

14.Appointed a Homeland Security Chief who quickly identified as “dangers to the nation”, groups including veterans of the military, and opponents to abortion on demand….and who ordered that the word “terrorism” no longer be used but instead referred to such acts as “man made disasters”.

15. Circled the globe so he could openly apologize for America’s greatness.

16. Told the Mexican President that the violence in their country was because of us.

17. Politicized the census by moving it into the White House from its Department of Commerce origins.

18. Appointed as Attorney General the man who orchestrated the forced removal and expulsion (from America to Cuba) of a 9 year old whose mother died trying to bring him to a life of freedom in the United States.

19. Salutes as heroes three Navy SEALS who took down three terrorists who threatened one American life… and the next day announces members of the Bush administration will likely stand trial for “torturing”, by pouring water up his nose, a terrorist who had played a part in killing 3000 Americans.

20. Sent Air Force One over New York City.

21. Sent his National Defense Advisor to Europe to assure Europe that the US will no longer treat Israel in a special manner and they might be on their own with the Muslims.

22. Began the process of nationalizing the Auto Industry and the Insurance industry.

23. Announced that for all intents and purposes the Health Insurance Industry will be nationalized.

24. Declared that the United States of America is no longer a Christian nation.


America, I’m sorry…. :[